Twenty Four / Seven

We provide 24/7 emergency medical care to people who are experiencing serious injury, illness, or major trauma. Our skilled team of medical professionals are ready to provide you with the highest quality attention while in our care. We understand our quick thinking and response time can make all the difference in your recovery.
"The team at Lakewood Townsend Ambulance Service provided me with excellent care on the way to the hospital. They answered my questions and provided support when I needed it."
Sue B.
"Thank you for the quaiity care that I received when I got stung by the bees at the campground. Thank you once again for a job well done!" Louis K
"Thank you for the great care you gave me on Monday when I had a stroke. Your quick response helped me have a good outcome. Thank you for all you do for us! God Bless". Lois & Jerry
"Thank you so much for help on both rides. We really appreciate your being there when we really need you" Mary Ellen